About Us

Manos Advising is a data consultancy that provides efficiency improvements for Businesses, non-profits, and community organizations alike. In July of 2020, Marcus Manos founded Manos advising as a way to assist local community organizations. We are proud to be a supporting member of the community and assist numerous businesses and non-profits in achieving their goals by harvesting the power of data to make efficiency improvements.


Manos Advising provides data advisory services including data collecting, cleaning, analysis, and efficiency improvements to businesses and non-profit organizations alike. Our past projects include creating an inventory system with AI that automatically suggests products to order when the inventory runs low, and analysis for BoyScout and community churches to increase fundraising profits. We are currently offering pro-bono help to a limited number of businesses and non-profit organizations.


Meet The Team

Marcus Manos

Marcus founded Manos Advising in July of 2020 when working with several volunteer organizations on creating a more efficient ordering system for their fireworks fundraiser. Marcus has worked with a variety of non-profit organizations and is involved in local food banks, youth organizations, and professional communities. Marcus attends the University of California, Berkeley, and majors in Political Economy.

Marcus Manos

Justin Phyo

Justin is a full stack engineer for Manos Advising. Justin has worked on multiple programming projects, both for school courses and in his own free time. Justin currently attends University of California, Berkeley, and is a Senior studying Electrical Engineering & Computer Science.

Justin Phyo